Thursday, January 28, 2010

Symbol of my life to date... Many rebirths!

The Phoenix bird and the legend thereof - that after a period of time (500 years mythically) it burns itself and it's nest. I believe it symbolizes my journey to date... I have risen from the ashes of my decisions many times to take flight again...
Just for today, through the program of AA and the Grace of God I never have to crash and burn again....

Friday, January 22, 2010

A new way of life through the rooms of the Bill W fellowship of AA.
Storm Models Portfolio - 2003.......
This picture signifies to me health and vitality. In less than a year from the date this photo was taken, I would find myself weighing less than 70kg's in hospital, recovering from a massive overdose - waking up from a 5-day, semi-comatic state... It took several more series of hospitilisations, treatment centres etc for me to lay down my tools of self-destruction and choose not only life, but life in abundance!
Amazing thunderstorm over the Mothercity!!
This is where my heart lies...
I moved up the coast to Scottburgh, KZN over 16 months ago, but the call of the Cape is what drives me to succesfully see out what I came here to accomplish. A new life in sobriety. The Bill Wilson fellowship has afforded me a solution to life, accepting it on it's own terms. Living in the moment - JUST FOR TODAY. Images like these are like beacons of the future that keeps me focussed on the job at hand... ;-)