Thursday, May 6, 2010

The soothing waters of the Indian Ocean

Regurarly as a recovering addict/alcoholic I find myself in a state of discomfort, as my sponsor told me that's - "When my connection with my Higher Power is lost and I am not alligned with the Source" These restless feelings and state of irrate, discontent only has one remedy - prayer and meditation. In today's crazy world where there is always distraction and noise pollution, the beach and the sound of waves crashing is what reconnects me with God in all His Magnificence! The absolute quiet I experience within, and the awe that the Power of His creation instills inside of me, brings me back to the the realization of my insignificance in the bigger scheme of things. My troubles become minute compared to the Glory of His creation, and I rejoice in he knowledge that there is a "Power Greater Than Myself" that takes care, loves and only wants what is best for me!